

你让他们上了大学,现在他们想出国留学. 你是做什么的??


你的学生正在考虑出国留学,这是令人兴奋的, 一生只有一次旅行!  国际项目中心致力于在整个过程中为学生提供支持.  Students are encouraged to plan early can meet with a variety of different people to begin discussing their study abroad plans; our 出国留学 Peer Mentors can give recent testimonials about their experience abroad while any of our staff can advise the students in determining which program best suits their academic needs. 我们的办公室关注学年, 学期或暑期课程,为学生提供高质量的学术课程,以提高他们的学位.

圣玛丽的学生有资格通过smc赞助,交换或非smc项目出国留学. The first two programs are endorsed by the Center for International Programs office while Non-SMC项目 allow the students freedom to attend a program that provides an experience, 我们的课程不提供的目的地或学习领域. 所有的课程类型在学期和一整年都是可用的, 有些课程在夏季提供. 这是可能的, 并鼓励, 学生可以在SMC的职业生涯中多次出国留学,学生可以选择任何他们感兴趣的项目. 下面您将找到有关程序类型之间差异的更多信息. 


  • Courses transfer back one-to-one: all courses are vetted and pre-approved by Saint Mary's 教师 and transferred back as SMC equivalents
  • 学生可以选修专业和辅修课程,以确保按时毕业
  • 没有额外的项目费用:学费和住宿费在校园里和在国外一样
  • Financial aid and SMC scholarships travel with you: students who study on a SMC program can apply all their federal and state financial aid as well as any institutional scholarships


  • Courses transfer back one-to-one: all courses are vetted and pre-approved by Saint Mary's 教师 and transferred back as SMC equivalents
  • 学生可以选修专业和辅修课程,以确保按时毕业
  • 没有额外的项目费用:学校的学费和国外一样,但是学生需要支付住宿费
  • Financial aid and SMC scholarships travel with you: students who study on a SMC program can apply all their federal and state financial aid as well as any institutional scholarships

在某些情况下, 学生希望通过smc赞助的或交换项目不提供的项目出国学习. 请注意以下事项:

  • Students need to apply and be accepted to study abroad through both the Center for International Programs and their non-SMC program
  • 学生在圣玛丽中学的海外学习学期(秋季/春季/年度课程)请假
  • 所有联邦和州财政援助都与学生一起旅行,但SMC奖学金不是——SMC奖学金是, 当然, 学生们一回到圣玛丽学校就可以重新使用
  • 课程可能不会完全以一对一的形式转换回来
  • 学生向商务办公室支付200美元的非SMC处理费,作为SMC留学申请的一部分



国际项目中心(CIP)是一个与学生一起工作的综合性部门, 教师, and administration in the Saint Mary’s community to provide services to international students and scholars as well as study abroad and exchange programs to the students and 教师 of Saint Mary’s. 

We look forward to working with your student throughout the study abroad experience and your student will be our primary contact throughout this process. 我们办公室很乐意与家长合作, but it is ultimately your student’s responsibility to keep you informed with any information you may need in order to assist your student in studying abroad. Please review with your student any information your student may receive from our office or from your student’s study abroad program.

请记住,由于联邦家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA), CIP可以与家长分享非常有限的信息,包括, 但不限于, 学生出国留学申请情况, 费用支付, 成绩单, 学生记录. Please rest assured that we will do our very best to make sure that your student will be properly prepared for studying abroad.


我们鼓励你在学生完成课程之前或之后去学生所在的国家旅行, 或者在学校的正式休息时间,这些时间将在学生的现场指导期间提供. 我们要求你尽量避免在学生需要上课的时候来访. 家长不得参加任何与学生有关的活动.

确保在国外获得医疗支助, it is very important that your student disclose any health issues in their Health 历史 Form during the application process. 这包括, 但不限于:医疗条件, 心理问题, 学习障碍, 还有饮食失调. Disclosure of such information will not affect your child’s overseas study participation and will only help staff better advise your student about their options.

在美国开的处方不能在国外配药, so we recommend that students bring enough prescription medication to last the entire stay overseas and discuss this in advance with their doctor and insurance provider. 向医生要处方(眼镜、抗过敏药等).).

处方药应随身携带, 药瓶上标有药品的通用名称. 学生应随身携带处方,以备海关人员索要. Some prescriptions are not legal in other countries although you have proof of the prescription written in the United States. 检查你是否可以携带处方药入境 www.rxlist.com 或者在东道国领事馆或大使馆的网页上. 不通过邮件发送处方. 这样做可能导致药物在海关被扣留和法律后果.

我们还建议学生多带一副眼镜或隐形眼镜. 有不容易被发现的健康问题的学生.g., 糖尿病, 对抗生素或蜜蜂叮咬的过敏反应, 心脏病, epilepsy) might consider obtaining a medic alert identification tag from a doctor or pharmacy as these are internationally recognized.

Saint Mary's College of California and the Center for International Programs(CIP) office has established emergency protocols and all students at SMC-sponsored study abroad locations are covered under the provisions of these protocols. The home campus CIP office works cooperatively with our onsite host university staff to help ensure the safety and security of students overseas; however, our ability to influence emergency responses depends on the level of support available through specific programs at sites abroad. 为了让学生为他们的海外项目做好准备, Saint Mary's College of California includes health and safety information in our mandatory pre-departure orientation sessions.

All students must arrive at their program location by the designated arrival date in order to attend an extensive onsite orientation, 每个程序都是独一无二的. 如果您对十大正规网赌平台的应急计划有任何疑问, 请直接与CIP办公室联系.

You can be comforted by the fact that there are dedicated local staff available if your student becomes ill or encounters a serious emergency. The CIP staff is readily accessible to your student at all times and has many years of experience dealing with student concerns overseas. 如果你的学生有问题联系你, please encourage him or her to keep the local host institution staff informed since they are best equipped to handle any situation.

同样,根据1974年的《十大正规网赌平台》(FERPA), the CIP staff on-campus and host institution staff abroad are not permitted to discuss issues pertaining to an individual student with parents, 家庭, 或其他第三方. 学生必须直接进行所有接触.

所有SMC赞助的项目将收取SMC相同的学费,就像他们在校园上课一样. 所有其他费用(i.e. 住房,交通)可能因项目和国家而异. The exact breakdown of each program cost and details can be found on the Program Brochures which can be accessed through our Explore Your Options section of our webpage.

在大多数情况下,经济援助将提供给出国留学的参与者. 如果你的学生选择参加SMC赞助的项目,SMC的经济援助(包括奖学金)将跟随你出国. 我们为佩尔奖学金获得者提供一个内部奖学金,并为我们的学生提供奖学金研讨会. 然而, we encourage students to research and apply early as many scholarships have deadlines at least one semester prior to your student plans to go abroad. 请参阅奖学金信息页面了解更多信息.

在学生的留学申请过程中,你应该尽可能早地与他们讨论沟通问题. 虽然这种讨论很可能对每个家庭都有不同的表现, it is important you communicate your interest in both supporting your student and giving them room to grow as an independent adult. We recommend setting a schedule for 2-3 calls per month so you can catch up and share stories without causing your student to miss out on opportunities presented to them while they are abroad.